・バレエシューズ 16cm~19.5cmの型がアジャスター無しのものへ変更となります。
Please check the information for Term3 2022.
April is included in Term3 regarding the date of the concert.
◎お願い◎ (Notice)
・Please notify us in advance when you will be absent from classes.
・You cannot make up classes for your missed ones during Term3 and sessions in Term1 2022 are available for your makeup as each class include production rehearsals.
・ Date and timetable of the rehearsals on Sundays are different depend on each student. Please check the production information for your own schedule and timetable.
🌟レベルについて About levels of the classes
(大体の目安です。)(Indication of the levels)
Creative Ballet: 2歳半~3歳半 (Age 2.5~3.5)
Level 1-2: 3~6歳 (Age 3-6) ※年少以上
Level 3: 6~8歳 (Age 6-8)
Level 3-4: 6~12歳 (Age 6-11)
Level 4: 8歳以上(Age 8~)
Level 5: 小学校4年生以上(Age 8~)
Timetable and Price
PR STORESにTwo Shoes Dance Academy Japanが特集されました!
To the parents who drop and pick up the kids by cars at Ikeshita Studio
Now it is prohibited to park your car on Hirokoji Rd. in front of the building of Ikeshita Studio not to be inconvenience for the neighbours.
We apologize that this might cause you some problems, but we appreciate your understanding.
Thank you.
TSDA Japanでは、できる限り安心してクラスを受講していただけるよう対策を強化してまいります。
In reaction to the current situation of pandemic, we have fixed some important notices in our infeciton control.
Please confirm the amended guideline to keep safe and secure environment for dancers.
As a safety measure, we give our best to provide a comfortable and riskless place for our students to dance in terms of hygiene control at the studio.
At the same time, we would like you to follow the instruction below to protect our community from coronavirus.
●Safety Policy for Coronavirus (Ikeshita Studio)●
※Please follow the guidance of each institutions at Togo Studio and IEON Kids school.
・The studio are cleaned to help prevent the possible spread of Coronavirus.
・Please check the students do not have fever or any symptoms of a common cold before each dance class.
・Please wear a mask inside the studio.
・Please wash your hands with soap or sanitize with alcohol prior to every class .
・We will keep the door and the windows open during the classes just to let the fresh air comes in.
・Please follow cough etiquette.
★Please drop your kids and pick them up at the door. (Except for Creative Ballet Class)
Parents cannot observe the classes and only a parent per a child can enter the studio before the class and 5 minites prior to the class finishes.
We will have parents’ visiting day on a regular basis for all classes once the pandemic subsides.
・You must inform us in advance when students are absent or wish to make up the classes. (Kids only)
(Please let us know about your attendance the day before the date if possible as we need to confirm the number of the student not to exceed the capacities. )