














例:週1 火曜日幼児バレエ

週2 火曜日バレエレベル3-4、土曜日バレエレベル1-4




・Kinder 幼児:3歳~6歳(年少~年長)

・Level 1・2:6歳~8歳(1年生~3年生)









〇1回 ドロップイン:¥1,200

〇週1(3 クラス ):¥3,300

〇週2(6 クラス):¥6,000












We are resuming our classes ONLINE next week!


We are excitedly announcing that we offer a special online term from 21 April to 9 May.

There are variety of classes only available online (with ZOOM) and this is going to be a great opportunity for you to try new classes!!

Booking is essential for all classes via email or LINE.

You can just drop in the classes or even choose our special offer with courses of once a week, twice a week and also DANCE PASS for unlimited classes during those 3 weeks!!

Please check the schedule and timetable below and book your space for your exciting dance experience online all from the comfort and safety of your own home!


●How to book the classes?●

Please contact us by email or LINE.

Once a week / Twice a week / Dance Pass

Please book your course by 20 April 6pm.

ex) Once a week for Kinder Ballet Tuesday

ex)Twice a week for Ballet Level3-4 Tuesday and Ballet Level1-4 Saturday

Drop in / Dance Pass

Please let us know which class would you be in by 11am on the day of the classes so that we can share you the ID and password.


●Qualifying Age●

・Kinder :3~5

・Level 1・2:6~8



Adult classes are also available for kids over age 7 in kids classes.



Kids Classes

〇Drop in(1 Class):¥1,200

〇Once a Week (3 Classes ):¥3,300

〇Twice a Week (6 Classes):¥6,000

〇Dance Pass (No limit):¥9,000


Adult Classes

1Class ¥1,500


※We take bank transfer or paypal for your payment. Please wait for your invoice to be sent once you have booked your classes.









Online Class Schedule




PDFはこちら(PDF file)





























Under the situation of emergency call by the government, we decided to cancel all the classes at the studio from 17 April to 6 May.


For our students and their families, please keep your eyes on our messages by LINE or email which tells you when we reopen the studio.

Hope you take good care of yourself and see you at the studio when we are back in the studio!

Thank you.



(English Follows Japanese)











〇13:50-14:20 イングリッシュ&バレエ(対象:幼児 3歳~6歳)

〇14:30-15:00 イングリッシュ&ミュージカルシアター(対象:幼児~小学校低学年)

〇15:15-15:45 ジュニアモダンバレエ(対象:小学校3年生以上)

◎16:00-16:30 ”うちで踊ろう”ダンス(対象:スクール生)


















We are so pleased to offer free dance programs for all ages kids this Saturday!

Booking is essential for each classes through out email or LINE and it is also available for you to attend more than one classes♪

Please contact us for detailed information about classes or zoom and we will get in touch with you to make sure you know how to join the classes.

Do not forget to  check our special offers to the students who join this classes below!!


●Free Online Dance Programs Schedule●

11 April (Sat)

〇13:50-14:20 English & Ballet(Age 3 to 6)

〇14:30-15:00 English & Musical Theatre(Age 3 to 9)

〇15:15-15:45 Modern Ballet for Junior(Age 8~)

◎16:00-16:30 ”Dance at Home” Dance Class(For All Two Shoes Students)


※The target ages are rough indications.

※”Dance at Home” Dance Class is only available for the students who belong to Ikeshita・Chitose・Togo・IEON Chitose studios.

This class is ideally for the students over the age of 6 in terms of their dance skills though, we are all welcome kinder students to join in♪


●Special Offers for the Participants●

①All new students will get ballet tights and ballet shoes on your enrollment next term!

②One luckiest Two Shoes student will get ¥5,000 voucher for class fee next term! (We will have drawing at the end of  “Dance at Home” Dance Class😊)


We are looking forward to seeing you on screen this Saturday!


(English follows Japanese.)






13:50~14:40 幼児バレエ

14:45~15:45 小学生バレエ

15:50~16:10 小学生ミュージカルシアター

※@東郷TISスタジオ お休み


  • ●4月7日(火)通常レッスン@池下第1スタジオ 16:30~17:20 幼児バレエ17:30~18:30 小学生バレエ
  • ※幼児クラスのクラス分けは4月からは行いません。出来る限りマスクを着用してきてください。ない方はスタジオでお渡しするものをお使いください♪



@イオンタウン熱田千年 ストレッチスタジオ

18:00~19:00 小学生バレエ



@イオンタウン熱田千年 レッスンスタジオ

16:30~17:20 キッズバレエ

17:30~18:30 ジュニアバレエ








●4月15日(水)@イオンタウン熱田千年 ストレッチスタジオ




@イオンタウン熱田千年 レッスンスタジオ

16:30~17:20 キッズバレエ

17:30~18:30 ジュニアバレエ


●4月18日(土)@東郷TISスタジオ @池下第1スタジオ









Please confirm your amended school schedule for the rest of this Term.

Kids Class Schedule (4 Apr.~18 Apr.) Updated 3 Apr. 2020


●4 April (Sat)

@Ikeshita Studio 1

13:50~14:40 Kinder Ballet

14:45~15:45 U12 Ballet

15:50~16:10 U12 Musical Theatre

※No Class at Togo Studio


  • ●7 April (Tue) @Ikeshita Studio 1 
  • 16:30~17:20 Kinder Ballet 
  • 17:30~18:30 U12 Ballet
  • ※We do not divide the class from April. Please wear your mask to attend the class or we also have some masks to give you at the studio!


●8 April (Wed)

@IEON Chitose Studio

18:00~19:00 U12 Ballet


●9 April (Thu)

@IEON Chitose Studio

16:30~17:20 Kids Ballet

17:30~18:30 Junior Ballet


●11 April (Sat)

@Togo Studio @Ikeshita Studio 1

NO Class



●14 April (Tue)

@Ikeshita Studio 1 

No Class


●15 April (Wed)

@IEON Chitose Studio

No Class


●16 April (Thu)

@IEON Chitose Studio

16:30~17:20 Kids Ballet

17:30~18:30 Junior Ballet


●18 April (Sat)

@Togo Studio & @Ikeshita Studio 1

No Class


※Togo TIS studio will be closed until the end of April.


Term1 2020 is starting from 21 April (Tue)! 

Please check the new timetable which will be released at the beginning of April.




(English follows Japanese)









10:30~11:20 火曜日クラス合同作品 サウンドオブミュージック出演者

11:30~12:20 水曜日・土曜日クラス合同作品 Cats出演者




17:00~17:20 火曜日クラス合同ミニ発表会

(小学生集合→16:00 幼児集合→16:30)



10:20~10:30 Paprika 出演者 

(通常レッスン 幼児9:30~ 小学生10:30~)



15:00~15:50 水曜日・土曜日クラス合同ミニ発表会

(小学生集合→14:00 幼児集合→14:30)







In response to the postponement of the production, we will have some mini concerts at the studio in the final week of the term♪

There will be some rehearsals on 29 March (Sun) for those following classes below.

The rehearsal on 5 April (Sun) for dancers with 3 performances has been cancelled.

Please check your schedule and let us know if you have something unclear!


●Rehearsal for Mini Concert●

29 March (Sun) @Ikeshita Studio 2

10:30~11:20 Tuesday Ballet Dancers in “The Sound of Music” 

11:30~12:20 Wednesday and Saturday Ballet Dancers in “Cats”



●Mini Concert Schedule●

◎7 April (Tue) @Ikeshita Studio 1

17:00~17:20 Tuesday Ballet Mini Concert

(Meeting time: U12→16:00 Kinders→16:30)


◎11 April (Sat) @Togo Studio

10:20~10:30 Dancers in “Paprika”


◎11 April (Sat) @Ikeshita Studio 1

15:00~15:50 Wednesday and Saturday Ballet Mini Concert

(Meeting time: U12→14:00 Kinders→14:30)



*Tickets will be handed out to each students at the classes this week and one adult and up to 2 children can get into the studio on the day of the mini concerts.
*Please notify us if you cannot participate the mini concert.
*Please bring outer wear for students’ family as well since we keep open the door and the windows for safety.
*Please refrain from coming to the studio if you have fever or do not feel good.
*Please wear masks with you (for students’ family) if it is possible.
★Now we are organizing LIVE STREAMING of these Mini Concerts for families or other audiences!