メルボルン校とのオンラインレッスンコラボ企画開催!! Online Classes @TSDA AUSTRALIA


TSDA Japanでは当初5月11日以降の通常レッスン再開を予定しておりましたが、愛知県内の学校の休校状況を考慮し、通常レッスンの再開を6月以降に見送らせて頂くことに決定いたしました。

We just decided to postpone the date to start our new term at the studio later than June due to the situation which the schools in Aichi prefecture will be closed until the end of May.



TSDA JapanおよびAustralia では、現在、全クラスオンラインレッスンに切り替えてレッスンを続行させて頂いております。通常レッスンが行えない中、今回メルボルン校とも協議を行い、5/11~5/30(現在行っている4/21~5/9のオンラインレッスン期間終了後)の3週間の間、なんと、メルボルン校のオンラインレッスンに日本の生徒の皆さんが、一緒に参加させて頂けることになりました!!!TSDA初のオーストラリアと日本のスタジオのコラボレーションです!

Currently, TSDA (Japan and Australia) are running all classes online which enable students to have social connection with their teachers and peers within the comfort of your own home.  For this time, as a reaction to the government decision, we had some discussion between the schools in Japan and Australia and now we’ve made a decision to offer Australian online classes to the students in Japan for 3 weeks from 11 May to 30 May (after we finish the special online term until 9 May) which will be the very first collaboration of Australia and Japan since TSDA history has started!!!


日本にいながらオーストラリアの先生方の指導を受けることができる、最初で最後になるかもしれない?!またとない機会です!!下記のスケジュール等詳細を、必ずご確認いただき、ご予約はLINE又はメール、お電話にて、5月8日(金)までに必ずご連絡ください。スクール生以外の方のお問い合わせは、こちらのリンク→ \お問い合わせフォーム/  またはお電話にて承りますので、お気軽にご連絡ください!

It will be once in a lifetime experience for you as it gives you a fabulous opportunity to take Australian  teachers’ classes!! Please check the details below for timetable and price and book your classes through out Email, LINE or phone call  by 8 May (Fri)! New students can get in touch with us by sending email to ” info@twoshoesdance.jp ”  to proceed your inquiry.



The students who attend those classes will get original designed Two Shoes drink bottle and backpack from TSDA Australia and also replay videos  and music playlists of the classes will be available for your practice at home!! We are super excited to seeing you at TSDA Australia Online Classes🌟

キャロライン先生からのメッセージ→\Message from Miss Caroline/


【TSDA Australia Online Timetable】

メルボルン校 オンラインレッスンタイムテーブル



PDFはこちら(PDF file for the timetable)


TSDA Australia 2020 Online Timetable 5.11-5.30 











1  ¥1,500 ¥4,500
¥2,700 ¥8,100
¥3,500 ¥10,500


¥4,000 ¥12,000

※土曜日フォローアップクラス @TSDA Japan(詳細は下記に記載)
1回:¥1,200(メルボルン校のレッスンを受けられる方は無料でご受講いただけます。 )
Follow Up Classes on Saturday @TSDA Japan (Details included below)
1 Class: ¥1,200 (Students who attend Australian classes can take those classes for free.)



【Age Guide】クラスガイド

Age groups are used as a rough guide.

Director will make contact individually with each of the students to talk about their level. 

Kinder 幼児 3, 4
Level1(L1) 4, 5
Level2(L2) 5, 6
Level3(L3) 6, 7
Level4(L4) 7, 8
Level5(L5) 9-11


Follow-Up Classes on Saturday @TSDA Japan


期間中土曜日の午後に、講師 里奈によるTSDA Japan生徒向けのフォローアップクラスをオンラインにて行います。各レベルごとに、その週のレッスンでの質問を受け付けたり、レッスンで習った内容、また先生がよく話していた英語の復習を交えたレッスンを行います。平日や土曜日の朝のクラスに参加出来ないという方も、1週間のハイライトを詰め込んだ盛りだくさんのクラスとなりますので、是非奮ってご参加ください♪

During those 3 weeks (11 May to 30 May), there will be a follow-up classes for the students in TSDA Japan by Miss. Rina just to review what they’ve learnt from Australian teachers in that week. We will also have some time to think about the questions they’ve got including some English phrases which were often used in the sessions.  

Booking is essential for those classes as well.




Early reservation is highly recommended since some classes have only few spaces available.

There are a teacher who speaks both Japanese and English, but classes will be run basically in English


4/28~5/9の日本でのオンラインレッスンでは、より一層、完全英語でのレッスンを受講するための準備をしていきます。そちらもご受講を希望の方は \こちら/ からスケジュールをご確認いただき、お電話、メール、LINEにてご連絡ください♪
For the rest of online classes until 9 May currently we are running in TSDA Japan, we will have some preparation for those Australian classes which will lead the students to learn the most from Australian teachers for 3 weeks! If you are interested in joining those sessions as well, we are all welcome to have you from this week! Please check the detail from this link→ \Online Classes TSDA Japan/ and feel free to contact us by sending email to ” info@twoshoesdance.jp “.

→Our principal Miss. Caroline will come to see you this Saturday 2 May via ZOOM at the class from 2:30pm and 3:20pm!!

Original drink bottle and backpack will be given to you when international EMS between Japan and Australia resume its operation.



Two Shoes Dance Academy のチームメンバーは、これまでのオンラインレッスンを通じ、ダンスは外出出来ない子供たちにとって、それぞれの心の中でイマジネーションの世界を広げてくれる、大切なツールの一つになり得ると実感しています。自粛が続く毎日ですが、外に出られない代わりに、オンラインで国境を越え、同じユニフォームを着た地球の向こう側のオーストラリアの友達と一緒に体を動かし、少しでも子供達に刺激のある、楽しい時間を過ごして頂ければと思います♪

As we’ve been running our online classes for about a month so far, our team is getting realize that dance can be a great method to nurture your child’s imagination especially while they cannot go out and get much less interesting information from outside world. We strongly hope our students to have a great time with dance by crossing the border online and seeing new friends on the other side of the world in the same uniforms which can be a great inspiration to them.



TSDA Australia & Japan