メルボルン校オンラインレッスン参加時の確認事項 About Online Classes @TSDA Australia




Please confirm the following important confirmations below until the end.


◯ZOOMのミーティングURL 、ID、パスワードは初回レッスン当日午前中にお送りいたします。(各レッスン毎週同じものを使用します。今回2週目以降は、受講レッスンに変更がある場合を除いて、URL 、ID、パスワードはお送りしませんので、各レッスンの情報をメモしておくなどの対応をお願いいたします。)

We will send you URL, ID and Passwords of ZOOM meeting on your first day of each classes and use same information until the end of the month. (We do not send you the IDs from the second week this time unless you change the classes to take!)



Please check your display name on your device will show the student’s name in English so that the Australian teachers can recognize you. 



Please set up your device camera to capture student’s whole body. (It might help you to put your device lower like on the floor or set a mirror behind if you have some difficulties.)


◯里奈先生も一緒にZOOMでレッスンに参加します。何かお困りのことがあればLINEにてご連絡、または 08026290201 までお電話ください。

Miss Rina will be at the classes on ZOOM together to watch so please send a message or call 08026290201 if you have any troubles.


◉TSDA オーストラリアのオンラインレッスンを受講するにあたって、以下の内容を必ずご確認ください。

Please confirm the following acknowledgement for sure on your participation of online dance classes.



TSDAオーストラリアのレッスンを受講するにあたり、生徒は自身や保護者の方の責任のもとレッスンを行うものとします。Two Shoes Dance Academy は、怪我など、レッスン中に起こりうるリスクに対しての責任は負いかねますのでご了承ください。


By participating online classes at TSDA Australia, you acknowledge the following disclaimer- children and parents dance at their own risk. There is risk of injury involved for which Two Shoes Dance Academy takes no responsibility.




Please reply us with a short message so that we know you have confirmed those acknowledgement above.




Finally, the teachers in TSDA Australia are so excited to have the students from TSDA Japan! Although there might be a barrier of language, there is no border in dance which anyone can enjoy as a international language♪ Just enjoy your movement with your new friends and teachers on the other side of the world! We are looking forward to seeing you at Australian online classes!!



TSDA メルボルン校 オンラインレッスンウェブサイト

TSDA Australia Website for Online Classes
