スタジオレッスン再開(6月の予定) Studio Reopening (Schedule for June)




We are happily announcing that we resume our regular classes at Ikeshita, Chitose and IEON kids school from June 3! We also have new online classes on Mondays and Saturdays for next month which students who attend the classes at the studio also can take those classes as additional practice or makeup classes for the sessions you’ve missed. Togo TIS studio will be closed until the end of June and its reopening date has not been announced.



タイムテーブル Timetable

・幼児→L1/2 小学生→L3/4 に名前が変更になりました。(メルボルン校と形態をそろえるため。)

Class names have been changed and now “Kinder Class” is “L1/2” and “U12 Class” is “L3/4” just to adopt the style of our sister school in Australia.


There are NO CLASSES on June 1 (Mon) and 2 (Tue).


PDFはこちら(PDF file)


2020.6 Timetable






料金 Price


Monthly payment will be adopted until August and we start organizing our classes by term from September for this year.



PDFはこちら(PDF file)


2020.6 料金 Price




Please make your payment through bank transfer or Paypal from this year. Now we are try not to accept cash at the studio in terms of infection control.


The tuition for the classes between Feburary 22 to March 11 which had been cancelled will be discounted from your payment this month.


There are no absence fee for April and May, but you need to purchase ¥500 per month to be away from the classes for whole month from June.


Please check your invoice for detail and make your payment by the mid of June.