≪重要≫【レッスン費とユニフォームの一部価格改定のお知らせ Price Increase Notice】


いつもTwo Shoes Dance Academy Japanのダンス教育にご理解とご協力を頂きありがとうございます。


We regret to inform you that we will be conducting a price increase on some class tuitions and products from September 1 2023 due to the soaring overhead costs and the purchase price.
Please confirm the new price lists from Term2 (September)  below.
We would like to apologize in advance for the inconvenience we may cause and we are asking you to bear with us.
We will make efforts to contribute to positive growth of  our students and hope that you will understand our situation and continue to support our dance school.
Thank you.



※価格は全て税込みです。Tax included in the prices
(変更前→変更後)(Before revision→After revision)


◉レッスン費(池下スタジオ)Class Tuition
※The class tuitions will be increased by 10%.
The numbers of the weeks varies from 12 to 16 depending on the terms.

●学期払い(週1回・16週の場合)(Once a week)

●学期払い(週2回・16週の場合)(Twice a week)

●学期払い(週3回・16週の場合)(Three times a  week)
¥48,000→¥47,520 ※値下げ Price down

●チケット(4回分)(4 classes tickets)

●単発レッスン Drop in

●大人クラス(単発)Adult Class drop in

●ポアントクラス Pointe Class




◉ユニフォーム School Uniforms
●Two Shoes Tシャツ Two Shoes Tshirts