スタジオの感染対策について About Infection Control at the Studio


(English follows Japanese.)













As a safety measure, we give our best to provide a comfortable and riskless place for our students to dance in terms of hygiene control at the studio.

At the same time, we would like you to follow the instruction below to protect our community from coronavirus.

●Safety Policy for Coronavirus●

・The studio  are cleaned to help prevent the possible spread of Coronavirus.

・Please check the students do not have fever at home before classes.
(Lower body temperature possibly weaken immunity  in their body so please make sure the students attend the classes with full of health condition.)

・Please wear a mask on your entrance into the studio.

・Please wash your hands with soap prior to every class and sanitize with alcohol.

・Please drop your kids and pick them up at the door if it is possible otherwise be seated to wait keeping the space between other parents regarding social distancing.

・Only one parent  for a student allowed to enter the studio. (Excluding small siblings need to be with their parents.)

・We will keep the door and the windows open during the classes just to let the fresh air comes in.

・Please follow cough etiquette.