

Two Shoes Dance Academy Japanでは、スクールユニフォームのリユースを行っております✨
We have taken the initiative to reuse our school uniforms✨
Some items that don’t  fit anymore in good condition can be recycled for wear for the next user.
Please check the list of the reusable uniforms and contact us to sell your garments!



Now we have resumed the reuse of ballet shoes from September 1 2023 though we had been suspendeing since 2020.


※リユースの対象となるアイテムはTwo Shoes Dance Academy Japanにてご購入頂いた商品に限ります。
※You can only sell the uniforms which you have purchased at Two Shoes Dance Academy Japan.
The price might be reduced or we cannot buy some garments when your items have any dirt, frayed fabric, fabric lost elasticity or losing color.
※We cannot buy ballet shoes which had been used without socks or tights.
We might not be able to reuse the shoes without strings.




《リユース対象ユニフォーム》 The List of the Reusable Uniforms
・レオタード Leotard
・タンクトップ Singlet
・ウォームアップジャケット Warm up jacket
・布バレエシューズ ピンク (アジャスターなし) Ballet Shoes (pink)  Unadjustable
・布バレエシューズ ピンク (アジャスター付き) Ballet Shoes (pink) Adjustable
・前皮バレエシューズ ブラック (アジャスター付き) Ballet Shoes front leather (black) Adjustable



品名 Garment サイズ



Buying Price

レオタード Leotard All sizes ¥1,100
タンクトップ Singlet All sizes ¥880
ジャケット Warm-up Jacket All sizes ¥1,320
バレエシューズ ピンク・ブラック(アジャスターなし)

Ballet Shoes Pink/Black (Unadjustable)

16~19.5cm ¥300
バレエシューズ ピンク(アジャスターあり)

Ballet Shoes Pink (Adjustable)

20~26cm ¥330
バレエシューズ ブラック前皮(アジャスターあり) Ballet Shoes Black Front Leather (Adjustable) All sizes ¥360

※表示の価格は最高値です。The price shows the maxmam value.
The price might be shifted without any notice.


Please feel free to contact us if you would like to purchase the second hand uniforms♪
(Currently we are not selling the used items on our web store.)



Please check the information about Term2 2023.
Schedule might be changed for any reasons.


◎お願い◎ Notice
・Please notify us in advance when you will be absent from classes.
You are recommended to attend make up classes by the end of November as we start working for the concert from December.
Your missed classes during Term1 can be made up with the classes in this term (by the end of November). Please book your make up classes after the concert if you are absent from classes after December. (Ikeshita Studio)


◎レベルについて◎ About levels of the classes
(大体の目安です。)(Indication of the levels)
Level 1-2: 3~6歳 (Age 3-6)  ※年少以上
Level 3-4: 6~9歳 (Age 6-9) ※小学校低学年
Level 5: 小学校4年生以上(Age 10~) ※小学校高学年〜


●タイムテーブル・料金● Timetable and Price
PDFはこちら↓↓ Click here for PDF date

2023 Term2 タイムテーブルと料金 Timetalbe &Price

◉2023年度 Term2 カレンダー Schedule






いつもTwo Shoes Dance Academy Japanのダンス教育にご理解とご協力を頂きありがとうございます。


We regret to inform you that we will be conducting a price increase on some class tuitions and products from September 1 2023 due to the soaring overhead costs and the purchase price.
Please confirm the new price lists from Term2 (September)  below.
We would like to apologize in advance for the inconvenience we may cause and we are asking you to bear with us.
We will make efforts to contribute to positive growth of  our students and hope that you will understand our situation and continue to support our dance school.
Thank you.



※価格は全て税込みです。Tax included in the prices
(変更前→変更後)(Before revision→After revision)


◉レッスン費(池下スタジオ)Class Tuition
※The class tuitions will be increased by 10%.
The numbers of the weeks varies from 12 to 16 depending on the terms.

●学期払い(週1回・16週の場合)(Once a week)

●学期払い(週2回・16週の場合)(Twice a week)

●学期払い(週3回・16週の場合)(Three times a  week)
¥48,000→¥47,520 ※値下げ Price down

●チケット(4回分)(4 classes tickets)

●単発レッスン Drop in

●大人クラス(単発)Adult Class drop in

●ポアントクラス Pointe Class




◉ユニフォーム School Uniforms
●Two Shoes Tシャツ Two Shoes Tshirts





今年もTSDA Japan プチ夏祭りを開催いたします!


【TSDA Japan 第3回プチ夏祭り】
◉参加費:お子様お一人につき ¥2,000 







TSDA mini Summer festival is scheduled on 20 August (Sun)!

We are planning fun activities that you can enjoy with your friends and families! 

The space is limited and booking is essential!

Please read the details below and book your spot by a day before the date! 


【TSDA mini Summer Festival 2022】

◉Date & Time
20 August (Sun) 2pm-4pm
※You can enter and leave whenever you want to during the festival




◉Admission Fee
¥2,000 per person(10 Games tickets will be given to each child. )
※All kids who play the games need admission fee.
※You can purchase additional 5 games for ¥1,000.
※The price has been raised because of some of the products are seeing price increase due to soaring overhead.


Games・Bonodori(Japanese traditional festival dance)・Art event

★Kids can participate either by themselves or accompanied by parents!
★TSDA students can invite their siblings and friends to this event!
★Yukata is largely welcomed♪



Please confirm our Summer School Information below.



We are offering summer school sessions from August 18 to 30 at Ikeshita stuido this year!
Those contents include some special classes only for this summer and we are sure you will enjoy new dance experiences with us!
Booking is essential!
Please contact us through LINE or email, or call as to save your spot✨
(Booking site is also available on our website.)




レッスン1回 (1 Class) :¥1,500
レッスン受け放題チケット (Free Pass):¥4,000




3 classes tickets are not available this year.
※Please make a payment by cash or PayPay for your purchase of  class tuition at the studio.
Free pass is also available on our web store.
There will be some special offer for the students who purchase free pass in July!
Please check the details below♪


〈予約方法〉How to sign up


Please send us a message through LINE or email, or call us to book your classes of summer sessions.
You can also make your reservation through our
website below.
※Please let us know as soon as possible when you cancel your booked classes.
※You cannot purchase the class tuition through our booking site.
Please make your payment at the studio or web store .


予約ページ Booking Site
※Booking site is available by the day before the class.




〈特典〉Special Offer
(Two Shoesにご入会されている生徒の方が対象です。池下スタジオ以外のスタジオの生徒の方も対象となります。)
(TSDA membership students only)




サマースクールのレッスンへ、初めてTwo Shoesのレッスンを受けられるお友達をご招待頂いた方に、ユニフォーム(タイツ・シューズなどを含む)購入時に使える¥200分の割引券をプレゼントさせていただきます!
(お友達が2学期よりTwo Shoesへご入会された場合はさらに¥1,000分の割引券を、ご紹介者様とお友達両方にプレゼントとなります♪)



For the Students who purchased FREE PASS
Student who purchase FREE PASS in July will get ¥200 discount voucher which can be used for the payment of uniforms!
A chosen student by drawing will get a special present!
(The numbers of the winners might be changed depending on how many students apply.)
There is a drawing on the final day of summer school.
We will contact the winner after the all summer school sessions.


Bring Your Friends Campaign
¥200 discount voucher will given to the students who invited their friends to our summer school sessions! (You and your friends will get another ¥1,000 discount voucher when they sign up for the membership in the next term♪)
There will be NO free trial classes offered during summer school and all students need a payment on their participation.





Parents are allowed to stay during summer school sessions.
You cannot use summer school session as makeup classes.
Family discount and multiple studio discount are not available during summer school.
There will be NO free trial classes offered during summer school and all students need a payment on their participation.
Free trial will be available again from term2 (September) and all students who have never tried normal classes are allowed to participate.
(Booking is essential.)



サマースクール タイムテーブル(日本語)

PDF こちらをタップ


Summer School Timetable (English)

Tap here to open PDF


8月カレンダー Schedule of August

こちらをタップ Tap here to open PDF



We are planning a Summer Festival on August 20!
Detail will be announced later!