2022年度1学期のお知らせ Information for Term1 2022





Please check the information for Term1 2022.

New school year starts from May regarding the date of the concert on 29 April.


◎お願い◎ (Notice)





・Please notify us in advance when you will be absent from classes.

・If you have missed the classes in Term3, you can make them up with the classes during term1.

・If you miss some classes during Term1, you can make them up during term1 and term2.



🌟レベルについて About levels of the classes

(大体の目安です。)(Indication of the levels)

Creative Ballet: 2歳半~3歳半 (Age 2.5~3.5)

Level 1-2: 3~6歳 (Age 3-6)  ※年少以上

Level 3-4: 6~12歳 (Age 6-11) ※小学校低学年

Level 5: 小学校4年生以上(Age 8~) ※小学校高学年〜



Timetable and Price


2022年 1学期(5月〜7月) カレンダー
